The Speculative Reality of Cannabis InvestingInvesting in a new legalized industry which was formaly not only illegal but negatively stigmatized for decades comes with unique risks.
Retail investors poured money into MJ stocks with blind faith based purely on the marketing hype of easy money to be made. Unfortunately most "investors" were not wise enough to buy in early and sell before (or at the easrly stages of) the systemic decline. These same people are very angry with everything and everyone except themselves. Investing comes with risk. Speculative investing even more. Investing in a complicated and controversial industry such as Cannabis is speculative in nature, especially at the early stages prior to "normalization." So when it comes to a company such as Zenabis (and many others), the question is not if you made the wrong decision of buying too high and sufferring the cosequences. There were many opportunities to sell at the early stages of decline, if you were astute enough to do so.
The question is ,at these prices is there an opportunity for taking a sufficient position for possible large gains at minimal risk. I think there is.