Whether To Buy or To Sell? That is the Question.If makling stock buy and sell decisions were as simple as a "yes" or "no", few investors would lose much money - likewise few would make any.
When someone sees a reason to buy, someone else must see a reason to sell, and vise versa. It is this constant dicotomy, this ongoing tug of war beween investors, that makes some and breaks others. Without this tension, opportunities to buy low and sell high would not occur. Investing would pretty well be a zero-sum game, not worthy of participation.
With this in mind, I feel for those who bought Zenabis at substantially higher prices and are feeling the pain. For them, wheter to buy or sell has more to do with their need for money now. If you can't live without the possibility of losing your money in the stock market - you should'nt be there.
As far as when to buy Zenabis is concerned, assuming you are in a position to be wrong and lose your money and are patient, the opportunity now, in my opinion, is exceptional. If it goes down further it will provide more opportunity to "average down". I began my purchases in the .15 - .06 range and am giving a couple years or more time horizon for the stock to rise sufficiently. As I have no intention of sellinmg soon, any price decline during the interim provides more buying opportunities.
So, then the question, "Wheter to buy or sell?' has less to do with the past and more to do with the present and future. For Zenabis, I believe the future looks good.
Godd luck to all.