I think it was a big misstake to wait with the Feasibility..We had good Cards if the Company really has the Chance to achieve 100-150k yearly production!
But now the share Price of ANX tanked.
Also the POG is falling as it was in 2008 first.
Where will be the bottom? Maybe 1500 or 1400 or 1250...?
Nobody knows!
There was a good possibility to get the Feasy out when share Price was beyound the 0,30 CAD.
But Management slept at that time.
Now the share Price has more then halved from that time.
But so we know ANX for many years. Managemnt gets fat aleries and we are paing for all that!
Because the slept for to Long now we will maybe have the double or three times number of Shares out for the financing of the further growth.
Where are Insiders buying now at These Levels?
The get good saleries but they do not buy any Shares. Why is this so?
It stinks!
I own 1 M Shares of ANX so I am stuck in the mud now!!! Thank You!! I was to silly to beliefe all the years!!! Here in Germany we get in Panic Modus now because of Italy so near. In Italy the Shops are closed except for Food and medicine. In Austria Shops will be Closed from monday on and in Germany we expect this soon also. The Chinese had this 3 weeks ago, then it came to Italy and next to Germany. USA will get it next...
Good luck for every one here and stay healthy. IQ