Thesis Behind the stock marketMany people wear a coat called Analyst and they pretend to advise money seekeres and how to become wealthy.
By theory evrything should balance one way or another, but that's not in our existence.
You can put money on any company on the hope of getting dividends and/or seeing your investment grow exponentially, it happens once in a while but most individuals they miss the opportunity to benefit from the low and high.
If you bought CPG at $40 it is hard to make money except you collect the high dividend at the time.
If you bought CPG at $3 and sold at $5 or $6 yo make 70% to %100 profit.
If you bought CPG at $1.21 and sold it at $1.35you make 12% in one day, and if it goes to $2.4 then you double.
CPG at $4 and $5 is possible, when? you never know the future but the idea if you take the risk at a $1 company is different then what you expect from a $1700/share company. The market doesn't need an analyst to tell me that, the market doesn't have a friend, you are your own boss when you invest, so take the risk but try to understand that to go from $1 to $3 is easier then climbing from $1000 to $3000.
China has successfully revovered from the virus and the rest of the world is in the final stage to combat the virus. This is a temporary set back in a world full of uncertainty all the time. Yes the economy and financial market is impacted but that was always the case since the beginning. We are living in ONE COMMON problem or a common WAR so we will defeat the virus and we will look at this time in the future with regret, success, envy, jealousy, etc...
The stock market always roar back, if you don't own an asset so how will you participate in the festival.