OTCQX:GTBAF - Post by User
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colts123on Mar 18, 2020 1:56pm
Post# 30822500
Doug Casey's prediction from Kitco Dec. 2019 interview
Doug Casey's prediction from Kitco Dec. 2019 interviewHe diin't predict the virus ,he is right on on the economy collapsing . I found the interview very interesting starting from the 9;10 mark to the end of the intreview. Hang on to your gold stocks people.
Once the Saudi's get pissed off with the low price of oil and with the US printing all this paper money and they say " Oh by the way we want to be paid in gold not fiat worthless US currency, there goes your make American great again Trumpy, Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall....you know the rest. This is now turning into a finnacial crisis, just just what Don's comrade, Vadinir Putin, wanted when he got you elected Donny baby, he new you were so incompetent that you would Fu#&k up the US economy some how. Destoy the US economy and you destroy United States!!
I wonder if I have to start learning Russian the new Super Power??????
Here is the link: