.40 Is Only a $14.4M Market CapThis is the cheapest COVID-19 related stock on the market with the tighest float.
We've already had our product on the market for over a year so it's not like we're some pump who just put out a NR with that word in it.
.40 puts a perspective on how much this could really break out...If the company gets some good news flow they could be here in a matter of weeks no doubt.
If we get steady contracts this will be .50 pretty dang quick...we've got a good product let's trust our distributor Bunzl to do what they do, increase and drive sales volume
Keep accumulating under .10 and wait for this to really get into gear. Not many opportunities come along with low floats like this, in the hottest sector around.
Don't be greedy and make sure to book profits along the way...but don't be afraid to let your shares ride as well, that's where the BIG bucks are made.
Have a good night & smoke some indica to ease your stress and pain.