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Commerce Resources Corp V.CCE

Alternate Symbol(s):  CMRZF

Commerce Resources Corp. is a Canada-based junior mineral resource company focused on the development of the Ashram Rare Earth and Fluorspar Deposit located in Quebec, Canada. The Company is primarily focused on suppling of mixed rare earth carbonate and/or neodymium and praseodymium (NdPr) oxide to the global market. Its primary asset is the Eldor Property in Quebec. The Eldor Property is situated in northern Quebec approximately 130 km south of the town of Kuujjuaq. The Property is 100%-owned by the Company and is composed of 244 claims comprising approximately 11,475 hectares, including the Ashram Rare Earth Deposit. Capacitor Metals Corp. is the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

TSXV:CCE - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by pensionbuilderon Mar 19, 2020 5:15am
Post# 30825015

RE:RE:RE:RE:How long will the shareholders let this miscast dilettate ?

RE:RE:RE:RE:How long will the shareholders let this miscast dilettate ?
The lengths you go to, trying to influence people is just ridiculous. Now you working with MS Paint too :D
Bullboard Posts