GREY:NCNNF - Post by User
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HappyFlowers25on Mar 19, 2020 3:07pm
Post# 30827541
Let's hope that CEO CharleVennat will wake up very soon.
Let's hope that CEO CharleVennat will wake up very soon.-------it is time for the new 48North CEO to give us an update on various important events about the company. Charles Vennat has worked for 48North for more than 7 months as CCO and CEO. Vennat must make a gesture that shows that it is committed to establishing credible relationships with its shareholders. The new president of WeedMD (Angelo Tsebelis) seems to be more proactive and transparent than Vennat to date. See its Open letter to shareholders dated March 18, 2020. Let's hope that Vennat will wake up very soon.