Restaurants business?Hi guys,
I looked at the financial reports to try to find out what kind of exposition to the restaurant business does Colabor have.
But I can't put my hand on this kind of info. From what I know, they are in the food distribution business.
But the divide between restaurants, institutions, groceries are not clear to me.
Is it 50% restaurants, more or less? Are groceries their most important clients.
As a shareholder I guess it is something I should have known before buying, but I don't!
We can predict the restaurant business will be greatly affected in the next weeks and maybe months.
But groceries will be doing great. I know they work a lot with schools and hospitals also.
Can someone help me and everybody better understand their business. From what I saw in the drop price, I can estimate that the company will be directly affected very negatively, but I would like to understand a bit more precisely.