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Enviri Corp V.HSC

Primary Symbol: NVRI

Enviri Corporation is a provider of environmental solutions for industrial, retail and medical waste streams. The Company operates in three segments: Harsco Environmental (HE), Clean Earth (CE), and Harsco Rail (Rail). HE operates primarily under long-term contracts, providing critical environmental services and material processing to the steel and metals industries, including zero waste solutions for manufacturing byproducts within the metals industry. CE provides specialty waste processing, treatment, recycling and beneficial reuse solutions for customers in the industrial, retail, healthcare and construction industries across a variety of waste needs, including hazardous, non-hazardous and contaminated soils and dredged materials. Rail is a provider of highly engineered maintenance equipment, after-market parts and safety and diagnostic systems and contracting solutions, which support railroad and transit customers. It operates in more than 150 locations in over 30 countries.

NYSE:NVRI - Post by User

Post by SuperMoneyon Mar 25, 2020 12:26pm
Post# 30845881


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