you want shares price to rise If you people really want MJ companies to start doing better there is only one way to do it. You must contact investor relations by all of you. You need to tell them to lay heat on the RCMP for allowing hundreds off illegal online dispensaries to operate with impunity.
There is literally 20 google pages of online dispensaries. How hard could it be for the RCMP to buy weed online and recieve the package, Then retrace what post office it was sent from. From there do surveliance and monitor who is coming in everyday with hundreds of packages.
Then follow back to their office get a warrant and bust them... Im not even a cop and I could figure this sh!t out. Or the RCMP could follow the money trail and then go after them with civil forfeiture.
Or maybe the RCMP could write a letter or email to google tell them are supporting organized crime and threaten to sue google unless they take down these web sites.
All us MJ investors have a multi BILLION dollar class action lawsuit against the RCMP for them not doing their job enforcing Cannabis laws in Canada. If we all contacted a class action lawsuit lawyer and started a case, im sure that would put A fire under the RCMPs a$$.
Either way till online dispensaries are shut down these pot stock will never really take off like they could. I promise you that. !!!!!!!!!