RE:J and J ceo accidentally mentioned same vaccine approach as No. There is no mention of peptides or anything leading to VXL in J&J video. Good pump. Its gonna take months for VXL to release results. I listened to 2:40
90guppy wrote: In the CNBC Squawk box interview today when the interview remaining was 2:40, the ceo of johnson and johnson said that their vaccine approach was to harvest PROTEINS for the covid vaccine. protein is another term for peptide. proteins or peptides are made of amino acids. What I am saying is the science that Vaxil is trying to prove is also being looked at by a much bigger pharma. That is why VXL is very adamant to have its reseach patented. Another thing is if the bigger pharma can see thru its research that peptide or protein vaccine has a good chance of being effective, then VXL is on the right path, good luck all.