RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Technical jargonThe company is likely preparing a detailed summary of results intended for a Fund(s) and/or Major Miner (more likely the former). The goal is to bring in instituational money (strong hands) to fund the next PP and/or support its stock price. Given where MMV is in their discovery process and the data that will unmistakingly prove an emerging Homestake pattern - Funds may be beginning to sniff out the potential here and want to stake a position. MMV will need to properly present the data to convince them why.
BIF gold deposits (like former Homestake) occur in clusters - when you find one, the next one is likely very close by (i.e. Homestake main, 9, 11 Ledge, etc...). The makeup of the deposits in these clusters tend to follow similar patterns (centroid, upper/lower tail, shear zones, sulfide content, etc...). The next news release will be all about why the good grades, potential inferred volume of deposit seen at this level, and other data support an emerging Homestake deposit; and most importantly what one may expect to find down plunge, given the pattern that has been proven up to this point.