RE: Cannabis Sales are Up I was not and am not surprised about this present covid situation causng an increase in pot or alchol sales, a big break for us. I know at first, facing the unknown that I stocked up on wine and the choc edibles.
i am also not surprised they have kept the liquor and cannabus stores open. It is hard enough to keep people at home never mind try to enforce another prohibition.
It would be nice if they worked harder on controlling this, stop cross country border between New York area and Canada, If New York was a country they would be the third most covid infected in the world and tomorrow they would be second only to the US with more cases than China or any other country it the world.
a week ago Canada had the same cases as Australia, they had stopped all international entries to the country but have also stopped crossing between their states which are like our provinces. Now Canada has twice the cases that they have. We are still allowing people to come into Canada from the by far most infected country in the world plus from New New York.
time for a glass of wine and a nice rich Edison truffel.
best of fortune to all and stay safe out there !