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New Age Metals Inc V.NAM

Alternate Symbol(s):  NMTLF

New Age Metals Inc. is a Canada-based junior mineral exploration and development company. The Company is focused on the discovery, exploration, and development of green metal projects in North America. The Company has two divisions: a Platinum Group Element division and a Lithium/Rare Element division. The Platinum Group Element Division includes the 100% owned, multi-million-ounce, district-scale River Valley Project, one of North America’s undeveloped Platinum Group Element Projects, situated 100 kilometers by road east of Sudbury, Ontario. The Company’s Lithium Division holds mineral claims in the Winnipeg River Pegmatite Field, where it is exploring for hard rock lithium and various rare elements such as tantalum, rubidium, and cesium. Its lithium projects include Lithium One, Lithman East, Lithman West, Lithman North, Lithium Two, Lithman East Extension, Cat Lake Lithium Project, Bird River Lithium, Lithium One West, Lithium One East, and Lithman East.

TSXV:NAM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by fedor604on Apr 03, 2020 8:36pm
Post# 30878155

RE:5,200 Feet of Drilling Begins at Sudbury Area Pd/Pt Deposit

RE:5,200 Feet of Drilling Begins at Sudbury Area Pd/Pt Deposit
lithomon wrote: All processing and custom toll smelting facilities essentially in backyard of this River Valley Platinum-Palladium-Base Metal deposit in Sudbury vicinity.  

Decades and decades of operating experience recovering payables of all Platinum Group Metals.

ford stopping all construction, I think this will include drilling teams looking for resources. I don't think they will be drilling now, not for a few months.
Bullboard Posts