Inch by inchPerseverence and the will to succeed. Quite a dance we have had to do! Kudos to our management for moving this forward when the whole world is re-analyzing their options. Beverages and Pharmaceuticals are notorious profit makers and I daresay that Tinley might cover both those bases. California first and then the world. Ontario just threw a wrench into the works again, declaring marijuana sales as non-essential which will curtail sales, at least shopping trips, not sure if they are still delivering. One for the cartel and the black market. Nice to see Tinley moving the right way today and I'm sure there is more to come. It would be nice to see a tv ad run in California and Canada............. seems to always come up something to slow things down! Nevada has some kind of moratorium on pot too going on which could be a fly in the ointment. Pot Tourism has a big nail in it until we solve this coronavirus. glta and dyodd