Edison duo byte truffle packs Wow, BC Gov online store is already out of these and they just got them in. They obviousy are a big seller ! I also went to a local store and they were out of them too, impressive considering they are not cheap.
has anyone asked the company if they are going to produce chocolate in any other forms or flavours? Surely this 15 Mil choc factory can produce more than the truffles. Why not flood the market with variety and maybe also with a cheaper option ?
i also saw a powder additive to mix with drinks, I guess i assumed OGI had a patten on this process ? If not are they late to the table ? Does anyone have insite in this ?
We sure need a positive quarter, that could be huge for our share price ! anyone know the date for the next quarter report ? And the months it includes ?
cheers and best to all, stay safe out there