RE:Apple will produce 1 million face shields per week And Apples bullboard posters aren't telling everyone to buy their stock.. Humanitarian.
Re: License Four classes:
Class 1 Tdd not approved for distribution or import. Approved for manufacture.
Same class as schools, students bedrooms/basements, personal 3D printer?
Class 11 Tdd not approved for distribution. imports or manufacturing
Class 111 Tdd not approved for distribution, imports or manufacturing
Class 1V Tdd not approved for distribution, imports or manufacturing
What does Distribution mean. Selling?
Didn't they say the inquiries were for the new model/series 9?
Didn't they say that Model/series 9 hasn't received its Certification?
Inquiries remember, not orders.
Did everyone watch the video. You should, only 4 minutes and full of new info.