RE:Unlimited QE will hyperinflate everything Hyper inflation is possible but in the past when say a war broke out the government would issue war bonds with a decent interest rate to raise money this helped set in motion the inflationary cycle, These days governments are just printing money and issuing it to those who need it and who have lost it making it some what of a 0 sum game. Governments love cheap money where as the market yield hunters not so much. I guess the choice is flood the economy with free money or watch the social and financial kaos of bankrupcys from a collaspe in cash flows and loan payments.
Financial normalcy a relic of the past
with the amount money printing taking place hyperinflation not deflationary collapse the risk
many tech names have rallied like covid a mere speed bump and energy names - esp nat gas biased should participate regardless of temp OPEC behaviours and cues
The bigger theme is how fast is the money printing press operating ? The fastest ever
this is a definite tailwind to share price if not valuation