RE:RE:RE:The BC Securites Commission should review.....The more I read your posts the more ridiculous and pathetic you seem. Constanty just "nothing is good enough" news release after news release you pick through and find some misspellings or weird misinterpreted saying to say this company is falling apart. Which guess what? it's still here. You've been at this for how long now? Over a year blabbing on and on. I'm pretty much the only one who doesn't have you blocked, only reason I haven't is because I don't care enough. Sure I'll read your lame posts and comment but it's like replying to that weird guy at work you do it to be polite. And then predictably you reply with oh you don't understand the complex inner workings of the intricate workings of the stock market system. Sure maybe I don't understand the lawyer wording which most don't. But guess what? They have this crazy new invention called...the internet, it's got all sorts of useful information. You getting as boring as plain white bread . So maybe quit being so predictable or soon you'll be talking to your self...again.