Gold has breached $1700, silver still lags And the remarkable thing is that we are not in some 'late stage' metals rally here, we have barely begun. The Central Banks are destroying the value of money and only gold/silver will hold their value as we inch forward or (or sprint?) towards a hyperinflationary environment.
What this has to do with Bayhorse some may ask (baffling common sense folks everywhere) is so obvious, it need not be addressed.
These are extraordinary times and we all know there are many "IF's" with Bayhorse. IF G can close the next round of financing quickly and then once able in the post-Covid world, start selling and producing silver, he may get that $18-$20/oz silver pricing he seems to want yet. Could happen in 2020 and BHS should be multiples higher than now.
We were compared to IPT.v but I'd rather be a US-based silver producer than Mexico at this point. However it's less either or and rather both/and.
Let's go Silver and G get going!