Investors the big day is coming-May 4th.
I have prepared you for the Tsunami that's coming your way. They will announce record breaking cash flow increases etc! We have heard the same spiel for the last few years under the former CEO's leadership and they will say and do whatever it takes to keep the good old ship afloat!!! Their piggy bank must be protected at all cost and their inflated remuneration salaries and severance packages are at stake.
Remember. I told you investors, "Tthat a rising tide, raises all ships". BRACE YOURSELVES for the fake news!!!
If they were to make a major announcement regarding a change in corporate direction including mergers/acquisitions/JV etc, I would be the first to applaud!
Our company has a strong balance sheet, abundant ore reserves and a promising pipeline of exploration projects! Canadian companies such as Detour Mining, Acnigo Eagle. Kinross, ABX, Eldorado etc need reserves to replace their annual depletion of reserves!! Hold tight they will come calling!!!