New Management TeamAnd there you have it folks, shareholders de-prioritized again.
The last 6 months have shown there is no regard whatsoever for anyone who's not in cahoots.
New managment team appointed, buddies of the Executive Chairman, who's in turn buddies with Canacol.
This company had real, financed, offers north of $0.30 per share, which stayed on the table through the downturn, which would have left shareholders with equity and liquidity in sustainable companies that had growth potential. Multiple offers to pick from.
The board scuttled every one of them in every way possible, namely with the actions of the Chairman at the time, also employed as Canacol's legal counsel. Left their advisors who worked hard to pull offers that solved shareholder misery and Canacol's obligations in difficult times high and dry.
Disgraceful on all fronts.