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DNI Metals Inc DMNKF

DNI Metals Inc is an exploration and evaluation stage company, which engages in the exploration and development of mineral properties. It holds the base and precious metals, specialty metals, rare earth elements, diamond, and uranium mineral properties in Alberta, Utah, and Ontario. The company's properties include SBH Property, Vohitsara Property, and Clifton Gold Hill Royalty.

GREY:DMNKF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by louiscon Apr 14, 2020 2:07pm
Post# 30908252

so why did DNI never receive those permits

so why did DNI never receive those permits SG, as you were the one who was in charge of filing for
and obtaining the environmental permits as country
manger , maybe you can explain why you failed to do so after
nearly two years and why you expect to be paid for not doing your
job ....    I'm sure many of your shareholders would like to know ...
Bullboard Posts