No DD done. It's obvious that there was little or no research done by all these enthusiastic investors so I'll give you a little for free.
The management does not own any shares in this company except what they give themselves for free so they can dump it.
This company does no exploration and has no known deposits in the ground so it is worthless.
James Nelson also owns Cruz Cobalt and it is run the same way and has been investigated for the way they do business. Hundreds of thousands spent on promotions and nothing spent on exploration.
If you can sell this garbage without taking loss then sell. If you can make a penny or do a share then dump it. This is a pump and dump stock.
Lithomon has been posting here for years and never has anything bad to say but no one is sure what drugs he's on but I'm sure that the legalization of marijuana has made him very happy.
Check their past NRs and and see how often they promise a work program and see how often they release results. Check Cruz as well they were great at promising work that never happened and when they eventually did they found such low amounts they haven't even made any suggestion of doing more.