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Mega Uranium Ltd T.MGA

Alternate Symbol(s):  MGAFF

Mega Uranium Ltd. is a Canada-based mineral exploration and development company. The Company is focused on the acquisition and exploration of uranium prospective properties. It has exploration stage mineral resource properties in Queensland and Western Australia and investments in uranium-focused companies. It also holds interests in junior and medium-sized uranium exploration and development companies, royalty and diversified uranium holding companies, and its own exploration and development projects. The Company’s project is Maureen Uranium-Molybdenum Project, which is located approximately 32 Kilometer (km) away from the small regional hub of Georgetown, located in Northern Queensland, Australia. Its subsidiaries include Maple Resources Inc.; Uranium Mineral Ventures Inc., Mega Georgetown Pty Ltd., Mega Hindmarsh Holdings Pty Ltd., Mega Redport Holdings Pty Ltd., Monster Copper Corporation., Nu Energy Uranium Corporation, and Northern Lorena Resources Ltd.

TSX:MGA - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by MegaMAxTZon Apr 19, 2020 11:47pm
Post# 30928461

RE:MegaMax & me

RE:MegaMax & meHey Ace, Good to talk. 

MM has many U spread accrsoss the board. Nice to talk beyond the UEX board,,,

Now how about TORO ENERGY.  Join me at a Penny and we will see....

Fully permitted Uranium Mines in Western Aust - who knows........

Bullboard Posts