OTCQB:UEXCF - Post by User
Comment by
MegaMAxTZon Apr 21, 2020 9:18am
Post# 30933311
RE:RE:Questions of the day
RE:RE:Questions of the dayActually now have many trucks that have backed up to the store. Add up all these trucks and some significant volume now under the MM umbrella.
Some truly BIG money players are going to be joining the U party soon. Not many companies to buy into vs the last U party. Less than 50 companies vs hundreds in 2004 to 2007. Many that were cow pastures.
Name a better positioned company with more assets - Uranium , Cobalt, Nickel & very little debt. And extremely undervalued. Even at $ 1.00 and thus a valuation of about $ 400 Million is not crazy in the near future. That company is called UEX CORPORATION.