RE:PYR Landmark HitThanks Developbc for the heads up, I just finished hearing/seeing the interview today by Peter. He stated what has been ' press released ' concerning the money recd for both Drosrite & Tunneling. Always great to hear what he has to say. Concerning today's close of $ 0.47 sp, what can one say ? I'm shocked. One thing, IMO, if the Sellers were asked Why @ these share prices, they would say ' None of your Business ! ' . I'm very A-OK with that as I am Not interested in any answers that they would care to say. DD is DD, & with mine done I see a Future & a Deal ( far more so @ these sp levels too) here that is so rare when one considers all that PYR has to offer. Finally, I will state I always appreciate on how very much Peter is forthcoming with the useful news/interviews on PYR. Best wishes All, good health, Sincerely, Topseeker