Relax with HOU , don’t get bullied with bad info. Here is how I understand it after a deep dive with a “expert”. June oil contracts were at $11.50 at 2:30 halt of HOu. The NAV was at .37. So since this is a 2x etf leveraged, if oil is $1 higher the NAV is $2.37 (2x changes from baseline of $11.50@.37). NAV is not stock price. ETFs done trade at NAV as stocks done trade at asset value. HOU has been trading at a large premium as has HOD since they are like stocks, we are buying potential , like paying higher for a stock when you believe earnings will be good and vice versa. They have stopped the creation of new Shares, which helps alot, MM’s were printing them at will with Horizons approval. So important info are the NAV vs Oil Price. Now retailers don’t understand as we didn’t , so big boys and MM’s will take advantage of any fear. Time to spread this on every board and chat room for HOU ASAP to maintain retailers investments. The fraud like Andrew stating he spoke with the company and they stated a stock price, total fraud and waited to post this until I had confirmation from stock house they can track his action before he deleted and removed his account.