RE:News?pms, if you fear owning the stock then you have a very simple decision to make and sell to give others the opportunity to ride the next wave.
I can confirm they will be drilling deep next towards Target 2 (finally!) and then do infill drilling, and likely to do both simultaneously with 2 drill rigs (first for MMV). Target-2/Centroid/Core will be the grand prize with infill drilling (likely to produce 1-2moz) the cherry on the cake.
The gold price looks like a coiled spring here. It will lift all boats in the sea. For a preview, take a look at the stock price of MMV in the spring/summer of 2016 when it moved from 0.15 to 0.4+ (including other juniors), and there was no activity at the company during this period.
When the gold price makes the move and investors believe the move to be legitimate, juniors will pop like popcorn kernels overnight literally. MMV likely has the best of both worlds potential, and is in a good place to get a boost from the lift-all-boats case, and a major pop from a discovery.
It will not take long to drill Target 2 (2-3 weeks); so for those who are thinking about taking or increasing a position it is something to think about.