We have three pompom swinging, cheerleading posters on here that are attempting to persuade anyone into thinking that this company is as place to invest. It most absolutely, truly, sincerely is not! Beware, these three posters are either downright morons or have something else to gain by posting their same copy and paste, paid advertising on here daily. Many of us who have experienced the devastation and poison touch of Thomvest feel the need to respond to these posters feeble attempts to sway others who don’t do their research by not look into the rabbit hole. This company, with the help of Thomvest, has become a train wreck of lies and deception to which is further about to burn. Mark my words, while knowing of the pending lawsuit initiated by hundreds of people and families financially ruined and hurt by the recent disgusting actions of Thomvest they now intend to run this company into the ground with the hope of saving their reputation! We will be here and continue to warn people until Liminal goes under.
I feel sick to my stomach after calculating this years capital losses due to this investment! After 20 years of supporting and investing into Prometic, and like many I had sold everything last year after Thomvest stole this company. For the seasoned posters that are sticking around it is only out of concern by warning others of Thomvest's objective and profile, and that's to make money anyway they can, including stealing from investors!
Newcamo, marcjohnson, and biotech1973 should be ashamed of themselves! What they are doing here is ignorant and disgraceful! They must lack morals and ethics, or just too stupid in order to post the nonsense they do.
Newcamo and marcjohnson, as vultures, showed up here just over a year ago and bought in probably around $20 in order to take advantage of the Rights offering at $15.21 to share in the successes, lol, of Liminal. They seem to be pumping this POS hard in order to just get back their initial investment. Keep buying dirt-bags!!  
Biotech1973 has been here for a long time. He had pumped this stock all the way down from, believe it or not, $3,640,00 everyday stating that it doesn't matter because Q1 2020 would be a cash cow. The nerve of this guy to even show his face here and still pump is very questionable.
This is the worst stock on the exchange to invest in. Let these three goofs buy all they can up until Thomvest shuts the door and takes all this research they stole from the knowledgeable investors here elsewhere. Thomvest controls 85% of this company and with such little volume could easily raise the SP to make it attractive yet they don't. Listing on NAS was suppose to be a catalyst as stated by these three. Well it flopped with the knowledge of Thomvest underhanded actions.
I intend to follow any post made by these three with a copy and paste of this one here. So that being said if you feel it necessary to post your krapola assume it will be followed up with this post.