RE:White House want Antigen tests...This white House PressRelease doesn't mean that the White House is interested in Sona Antigen test, but let's see why the White House could be looking into Sona Antigen test.
1) Sona test is not a fraudulent made in China test, it is a test made by a consortium of highly qualified company, including very big US company.
2)Sona Antigen test by detecting the virus early can stop any virus (not only Covid-19) from becoming a pandemic.
3)Sona Antigen test will be a made in the USA test (by GE Healthcare or Activa).
Question??? Is there a way to find out if the US government is interested in Sona antigen test.
Answer; absolutely no way, but we could look for and a hint, if in the next PressRelease the number of pre-order has incresed drastically that could be an indication that a big government(maybe US) has placed a very big pre-order.
wildbird1 wrote: In a White House PressRelease dated April 26, 2020 Dr Debora Birx, the White house coronavirus response coordinator, said " We have to be able to detect Antigen, rather than constantly trying to detect the actual live virus".
Strange that the White House took an interest in Antigen tests after vice president Pence visited Sona big partner (GE HealthCare) on April 21, 2020.
Check the link below (if the link doesn't work, please take the time to google it).