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BetaPro Crude Oil Leveraged Daily Bull ETF T.HOU

Alternate Symbol(s):  HROZF | HZOZF

HOU¿s investment objective is to seek daily investment results, before fees, expenses, distributions, brokerage commissions and other transaction costs, that endeavour to correspond to up to two times (200%) the daily performance of the Horizons Crude Oil Rolling Futures Index. HOU is denominated in Canadian dollars.

TSX:HOU - Post by User

Comment by Yagcu1701on Apr 28, 2020 9:24am
Post# 30961154

RE:Horizons ETFs HOU, HOD To Rollover To September Contract

RE:Horizons ETFs HOU, HOD To Rollover To September ContractCan I assume with each rollover, there is an expected dilution? This means the nav will roll to sept and share price will reduce again based on having to purchase at Sept vs July. In addition to the management fees which get taken each time
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