In a Heart BeatGood Afternoon All, I'm somewhat surprised that we are back near a $ 0.50 sp. Perhaps the delay in Financials drove some to sell while others just follow ( caused by the herd effect & ignoring the simplest of facts in regards to PYR ). As to what they will do with that cash in hand, well, they may place it in a Savings acct., invest elsewhere or perhaps re-investing & hoping for a lower sp with PYR. I don't know & once again I don't care the reason Whys. At these sp levels, they simply represent a better buy than in recent days, simple as that. I'm remaining Long for the right reasons, IMO. I've stated before what it means holding cash in a Savings acct. for a year or longer vs the min 7 major plasma applications of PYR. So some time ago, I adjusted my monthly savings amount downwards a bit while taking that cash differential & investing in PYR. Has been working well so far & I am not expecting anything less than continued great news coming from PYR that in turn will continue to drive the sp upwards. Long term with PYR will equate to Blue Chip. The word is spreading through the investment world too that a savings acct plus other financial savings tools will be punished severely ( significantly lower interest rates heading towards zero rates after tax payments on the very little interest you do earn) in the next several years all due to the results of Covid. There is also word that the Cdn $ vs US/Euro may get a good hit in large part too because of the oil industry hit. Well, thanks to PYR's USA & Euro biz, their cash bottom line will be that much richer for it. Imagine the Drosrite/ Tunneling/US Carrier & 3D powder biz alone that will make a large part of the aforementioned cash position. Concerning the next news release, rest assured, the sp can move significantly upwards in a heart beat. Best wishes All, good health, Sincerely, Topseeker