RE:RE:RE:RE:Just a question?I agree a buyout should happen until contracts take off and we jump, but this team leaves everything on the table it seems. They act quickly & I appreciate the transparency and their marks set & accomplished. Even thriving against all odds. Very minute retail shareholder group here I feel like there's about 7-8 of us that own this company with management, (wishful thinking) where's the rest of the country? It's always so quiet given the story and value, origin @ MaRs and relationships with E&Y, Telus Health, et al
While we wait for the market to close in, the price goes up as do recurring revenues. For a company focused on M&A with $16M in the bank, who do they buy next?
I believe Mr. Market is awaiting Ontario to take a more vital role with Vhi.Most of these analysts that don't want to risk themselves valuating a speculative play when they've all lost shirts in the covid scare, just means we sit idle and new buyers inflate the plate. Very little sellers here now, though everyone has a price. I mean, we're nailing all surrounding areas and provinces, it only makes sense that Ontario champions another one of it's own. In due time, all these burning questions will be answered. Rollout rolllout rollout. the 70% recurring revenue M&A mandate seems to be working great. Almagamation hasn't even cost that much and books look great. Now we're in a crucial year for a market desperate for exactly what we solve...I'm hanging in there for the party. Only in the second or third chapter.
Best of luck to everyone.