Folks have been wondering why price is going up. They keep referencing that stupid calculation of a 3 year pay back.
With gold 1,000 Ca higher that might get paid back in 38 minutes. Costs to build the mine have went down last few months with fuel at top of list. Labor costs also will not be spiking any time soon. They have hit bonanza grade over last 6 years with no update. That is a tragedy. I imagine the people in the know have an idea there is 10 million high grade ounces there and that will be a start. 10 million X 2500 ca + As Boss Hogg used to say, my calculator dont go that high. 25 b. Hopefully soon lenders will realize a great loan. I would hope we dont dilute anything and be patient. The gold bugs are coming out of the wood work and hopefully we can keep gold in the 1,600 to 2,000 range for the next year. I thought we could give our royalty to Glencore to get them to back stop a low interest loan a year ago. Hopefully after having a death experience we will hold onto it and keep it. Lets get a loan and build a mine and have a 20.00 stock one day. Doesnt get any more crazy than that.