RE:RE:RE:RE:SEBWOOD You get shares, and YOU get shares, EVERYBODY GETS SHARES! LOL to those distorted sick rumplestiltskin longs that spin every turd here into gold (Ie lil tony soprano)... You just raised 20 million dollars at a 25m dollar valuation. You literally just essentially sold almost half the company for 20 million dollars. Royally fking anyone who's invested at substantially higher valuations.
But I'm glad you can compare this to apple... Whats next? A slick Amazon tale? We're going to pretend like Agraflora, the little stinker barely producing anything at their rentals is like the mamoths and titans of industry? LOL
Is there upside from here? Sure, you have a 1/100 chance of making some real coin. You also have a 99/100 chance of losing all of it. Roll the dice.