RE:RE:RE:RE:No matter what news is posted
Jonboy9001 wrote: I'll tell you what let's post Agrafloras what they said was gonna happen vs what's happening. 1. Finished AAA( well maybe) nothing is growing there I.R told me it was to eliminate "cash burn". but they said they were starting the process of getting sale license there. Says right on the website even. I told I.R. they should change that. 2. Australia, 2 million dollar grant to start building a marijuana facility. Well I won't fault them for that it "appears" to be political. 3. Delta: A) should already be licensed. 3 rounds of Request for more information!! Really? B) start phase 2...nope. C) fully funded...nope, not even close. 4. Edibles facility, 75% complete, will be finished in 90days...nope blamed on coronavirus, but construction is deemed essential so figure that one out. 5. Drink Facility: apparently dropped off the face of the earth. 6. Sanna health: no clue what they are doing, maybe growing maybe not. They might have got hemp oil (CBD)from them kinda a grey area there. 7. Farmako: again not really sure what's going on there. They do some sales but are they growing or buying from others kinda left in the dark a bit too. Maybe they are waiting for imports from Delta, I'm actually excited about Farmako. 8. The CBD China deal....ok.... 9. The "SOBEYS DEAL" well a distributor who works with Sobeys deal. Again nothing. 10. Amazon...not available in Canada. 11. I can't buy really any of their products, I've tried. I thought I had a chance with the Hemp gummies..nope can't find them. So Mayhem4000 or whatever what should I be cheering Agraflora on for. They have given me nothing but less money and broken promises. Insiders don't even touch this, which is very discouraging. Oh wait they do when they are given piles of free shares to literally sell and sell to bring down the price. They don't care any price to them is making money. And now it's so low i migh as well just sit and wait. Maybe it goes bust. Or diluted even more. Or maybe a reverse split where I lose even more money( we all know a reverse split doesn't change the money in your account) but we do lose shares that they diluted the $# it out of to bring the price down anyways while we kept buying. So again what should I be happy about??
I wouldnt try logic or facts with these 'longs'. They've been emotionally invested in this too long and cant see the red flags as they waiver. The company could literally announce default and bankrupsy tomorrow and they'd tell you it was a good buying oppertunity. Meanwhile they're the same ones who whine and complain about the ATS trading volume... Much like the ol 'you smellt it you dealt it' addage. LOL