RE:the tests..Wildcattter wrote: those pressure surveys, they could not be considered a material fact. Therefore, the company will not release them as a stand alone release. Sure they will tell us, but those results will not be considered a material info. They just ain't. important though. but in the end, nothing changes, no more money coming in, nor out... just some numbers saying the structure looks to have so many bcf... the stunning news here, the real reason to buy, is high deliverability wells. One well flowing 40 Mmcfd into sales. plus a thousand barrels of ultra-light condy. One well, for years, one well delivers 40 Mcfd plus 1000 bopd. it is pretty low cost too, A pipeline, then the gov't pays you each month on the 27th I think.. one well, though that one such well at cascadura is not yet flowing, nor will be for over 6 months. coho will deliver a rock steady 10-12 Mmcfd with headroom up to 20Mmcfd, one well. low cost. always own the best fields, assets, the low cost always beats high cost. and BIG low cost, beats everything,
I`m told they will release the recorder readings/evaluation in a separate RNS, once the independent engineers have provided that info and guidance to them.