In the words of the National Gas Company and HeritageNew cause for optimism in it`s gas supply outlook.
The Framework Agreement marks an important step towards boosting Trinidad and Tobago’s gas supply to existing markets
This Agreement also represents a significant development for Trinidad and Tobago, as it signals the first commercial gas production from onshore fields in nearly two decades.
This Agreement and the considerable potential of the underlying asset are welcome good news for our energy sector.
This development adds another measure of stability to supply from a promising new prospect. We are now set to open a new chapter in the history of onshore natural gas production.
We are really excited to have achieved this milestone with Touchstone as operator since the last onshore gas discovery was in 2002.
Ortoire Block are important to our near and medium-term growth strategy in Trinidad and Tobago and to our commitment to help secure the country’s energy future and the creation of sustainable jobs.
So again, this is the words of the National O&G Companies of T&T not some cheap promo piece from Paul, this is the real deal and the country is obviously extremely supportive to put this exciting new development on production ASAP !!
This is very very good news and as usual the Market isn`t paying attention, well TXP`s time to shine will come of that I`m sure bring it on !