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Crane Co T.CR

Primary Symbol: CR Alternate Symbol(s):  CXT

Crane Company is a manufacturer of engineered components for mission-critical applications focused on the aerospace, defense, space and process flow industry end markets. Its segments include Aerospace & Electronics, Process Flow Technologies, and Engineered Materials. The Aerospace & Electronics segment supplies critical components and systems, including original equipment and aftermarket parts, primarily for the commercial aerospace, and the military aerospace, defense and space markets. The Process Flow Technologies segment is a provider of engineered fluid handling equipment for critical applications. The Engineered Materials segment manufactures fiberglass-reinforced plastic panels and coils, primarily for use in the manufacturing of recreational vehicles, truck bodies and trailers (Transportation). It also designs and manufacturers multi-stage lubrication pumps and lubrication system components technology for critical aerospace and defense applications.

NYSE:CR - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Luckyelevenon May 06, 2020 3:16pm
Post# 30994496

RE:I sold

RE:I soldI juat sold 1/4 of my position as well. Made good money and want to book it for now. I may buy it back by the end of the day if it drops a couple of pennnies.
Bullboard Posts