Sale, minimum 5 million kits...We must not forget that it is the Government of Canada that asked DM to find the best Korean tests available.
In the PressRelease May 6, 2020: Second paragraph you will read that the Government of Canada is so confident in DM tests that it placed an interim order for aver 5 million tests kits in one year.
In the same PressRelease, second paragraph DM said " These test kits are both Nucleic Acid based, which Health Canada is prioritising the review of".
Meaning: In an emergency crisis the Government of Canada can prioritise DM Nucleic Acid tests kits over somebody else tests.
1) How many company do you know that have a government backing their tests.
2)How many company do you know that have already an order for over 5 million kits.
3) as soon as health Canada approve DM tests kits, big money will be coming in DM bank account.
4) Take the time to read the second paragraph in the PressRelease dated May 6, 2020, you will relax and be more confident and patient.