RE:AAARRRGGG!!! This Stock is driving me insane.
A small amount of answers to these companies were answered in the elixxer ltd. Investors discussion group on facebook. I recommend joining if you have not already. Tricho court date was slated for mid to late April i beleive and delayed due to covid (this is no suprise) Quebec was one of the hardest hit provinces from the virus. As for easy joint im pretty sure thats been written off (we had 150k and time invested in that enture) We seem to be in a black out period right now, people are waiting for financials in June, who knows what that is going to look like. These are some of Johns answers. 1)Evo Bnk was recently visited by two of our executive teams. The retrofit the first building is complete and growing. High volume of mother plants. The second new build is done and getting growing underway. As you saw the video the company is following an additional line of business for the hospitals. 2) GCL is working on site selling and working with local stores. As you must realize as of now operations have slowed due to Covid19 precautions. For more visuals goto 3) Easyjoint was always an option to invest until we received a full legal opinion that the TSXV would accept.