Valuation?How do put a proper valuation on a stock this days. So many stocks especially penny stocks are so sensitive and volatile to manipulation and news announcements it almost criminal to see. Realistically there balance sheets are still in the red but are starting to show signs of serious strengthening. Before this deal came along they were heading in the right direction for sure, so this is all gravy. I think people are underestimating the potential here and are underplaying there deep connections they have in Korea. Again they were approached (which is huge) to do this, so it shows you that Canada feels that they need them and not the other way around. Not sure how this is going to all shake out yet but if they get all three kits approved it could get very interesting. Let's not forget as well that this deal could go on for some time, possibly months even years. Other possibilities here as well, not just test kits. I think you put a little Venture Exchange hype on top of it all and this could and most likely will be a lot bigger than people think. The more I look, I think Im included. Some valuation are a little ridiculous but after all this Venture Exchange, so who knows. Definitely going up for sure. Way up from here