RE:RE:RE:RE:Getting back to normal For a lot of people around the world this is going to be the new normal for a while at least. Like it or not. To go anywhere or do anything your going to have to get a Q-tip rammed up your nose or Silva swab or blood test or something done just to do anything. Just to even go to work for some people. Travelling, sports events, movie theatres, anything that involves large gatherings of people. Trust me it's coming. Not a fan of all this either, but if that's what it takes to knock this down and bring the other half back to its senses, then so be it. I think we all know the news likes to put there spin on things but the goal here is to get everyone back on the same page and get the world turning again. Is this all over blown, who's to say. Let's just agree to disagree and in the mean time let's all do our part for each other so we can get back to how it use to be for all of us before this ever happened.