RE:BusinessPublic Insured Clinical refers to revenue generated for providing publicly accessible healthcare services that are reimbursed by the provincial health authorities. Meanwhile, Other Clinical refers to services that are not eligible for government reimbursement, and as such are charged directly to patients and/or third parties…The Company began generating revenue from digital services effective January 1, 2019 when it acquired NerdEMR. The Company then acquired OSCARprn on June 12, 2019, KAI on July 1, 2019 and OSCARwest on December 1, 2019.
Reliance on Physicians and other Healthcare Professionals - The Company relies heavily on the availability of physicians and other healthcare professionals to provide services at its facilities.
WELL currently serves approximately 1507 clinics and over 8,000 physicians…
Total Clinical Services accounted for 92% of Total Revenue…Digital services accounted for 8% of total revenue during the 12 months ended December 31, 2019