The Role of Large-Scale Metallic Mineral Development in the link to article positive article on mining found in my twitter feed.
I found this p[art intresting ; ( I am assuming we already pay this )
A unique feature of mining laws in the Philippines is the mandated Social Development Management Programs (SDMP), where 1.5% of operating costs are allocated to social programs. For the past five years, the industry spent Php2.8 billion on SDMP.
· Another unique feature of our laws is the requirement to obtain the Free and Prior Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples (IPs) where ancestral lands/domains exists, and if so obtained, to provide compensation primarily in the form of a 1% Royalty of gross revenues. For the past five years, the industry spent over Php1.0 billion in Royalties to IPs. IP communities are as well entitled to a share of SDMP funds.