The thing is how fast this thing can pop...we've all seen it. Market cap of 10m? I believe Dr Sen's is going to move this thing forward sooner than later. I understand Sage, and all the others that have bailed at this point....I wish I had too, so I could have taken all that money and bought in at these prices.... Tech is still validated, the way I see it anyway. Still, again, as before.... Moosehead would have caused a stink by now...I think that's important to remember. We have what Moosehead says we have. It's tough. Believing in something so much. Believing in the people involved, though you've never met's tough. But I do. And I'm going to wait it out. If this thing pops, I'll miss it if I'm not already in..... and to give up these shares, at these prices? I'd feel robbed. I just cant. I felt ok with buying them at .30 before I knew what an Oland was...That's just my perspective* though. :) GL to everyone's decisions going forward. It's tough....