RE:From the beginningInvest2017 you captured all the exact same experiences and thoughts I have endured since Sept/Oct 2014! Probably the biggest turning point in my time owning these stocks was just three short months ago when VMD tanked to $3.83. I sold out my entire position at $5.69 to preserve some profits (10% from an over 100% profit a few months prior to that) bought everything back at $4.59/share and now have a 138% return with an additional 2,000 shares more than what I had prior to the pandemic effect. It took fortitude but it's been working out great to this point.
Just the spin-off shares alone in VMD received back at end of Dec 2017 has now given me a 2 bagger and I'm finally in the green with PTQ in the RSP account. Still 5% down in the TFSA but that doesn't appear it will last too much longer.
Patience and leaving emotions at the door whille doing your homework/due diligence throughout is the key IMHO, and a little good fortune doesn't hurt either, especially with small caps.
What a ride but staying the course has been worth it.