RE:ROW Developments ... opinion pieceBetter hope that GBT has many new gang buster drugs in the pipeline coming soon to market and they can be sold worldwide not just LATAM. Otherwise all GUD sharehoder will be toasted. This deal may save JG or could be the final nail/blunder. I follow the LATAM countries very close and I have travled to all of them. Currenlty because of covid-19 all of them are in economic shanbles/disaster for Years to come with no economic sunrise anytime soon. With covid-19 we catch the economic cold they get the economic heart attack. The only positive is that it will be cheap to travel there when the skies open up again.
This deal will define JG legacy. He has been kind of coy talking bout GBT. The market so far does not like it and could not care less about JG long ago past succes regarless how many time and how long JG sings it. There has been lots of $$$ been made in the biotech sphere in the last three months but not this one. This one is the only one I have not made money and barely break even I wander why? Cash is king but only with construtive smart actions. For the past three months W Buffet has been making tens of billions of Dollars trades. JG ....Nada